Monday, November 1, 2010

November 2nd, 2010's challenge: The Laugh

For the record, the sign that we put up is still there, advertising Vader and all his glory. Since we've been basking in this success, perhaps this is why new challenges have been scarce lately. And probably because no one actually does the challenges either. Anyways, to the challenge.

Lots of things in life are funny. Like this video if you watch from 2:50 to 2:59. But there are times and places there things shouldn't be funny. There are times and places where laughing is the exact wrong response. This is the challenge. Find a place where a group of people are forced to be around you, like a public bathroom, a line at a grocery store, during a lecture, or whatever, and laugh. Loud and long and clear, and for no apparent reason. The raunchier and more ridiculous the laugh is, the better. As usual, this all must be video taped.

Outrageous laugh in a conspicuous and painfully public place: 3 points.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October 28th, 2010's challenge: The Plug

We all like to be recognized. Darth Vader is no different. He wants people to visit his website.

Fortunately, when opportunity knocks, Vader is ready with a force choke. There is, in the Wilkinson Center, near the bookstore entrance that's by the Cougareat, a reasonable facsimile of Lord Vader himself, in cardboard cut out form. He's currently advertising for something to do with children. Does that seem right to you?

Our goal, as the Arbiters, is to add a speech bubble to plug the Daily Challenge, to spread the influence of the Empire. Everyone else's goal is to put up a Vader themed sign around their neighborhood or whatever, advertising the site for Lord Vader. Take a picture of your advertisement, and post it on the site.

Picture of a Vader-tastic ad for the website: 2 points.

Monday, October 25, 2010

October 26th, 2010's challenge: Submit the Challenge

It's occurred to us that there is a disparity between the points of long time players and newcomers. There's also a problem with our ability to come up with new challenges. In order to rectify both of these problems, we, the Triumvirate of Arbiters, are opening the channels. Give us some awesome ideas, and we'll give you points.


Each idea: 1 point
Each good idea: 2 points
Each awesome idea: 3 points.

There's a cap of 9 points possible. Happy brainstorming

Sunday, October 24, 2010

October 24th, 2010's challenge: The Rick Roll

Vader is a master of recreating things. When the first Death Star blew up, that didn't stop Vader from building a newer, better one. As a child, he made C-3PO, and as a young adult, he made Luke and Leia. To be like Vader we all need to become masters of creation, recreation, and procreation.

The thing that Vader wants everyone to recreate today is the Rick Roll. For the uninitiated, a Rick Roll is when you click on a link for a video or whatever, but instead of getting the video you want, you get a video of Rick Astley singing this song.

The challenge for today is to drive by someone with Rick playing, and then slow down to the point where you're driving side by side the pedestrian. Then, don't look at them or acknowledge them in any way. Just let them be Rick rolled.

Rick rolling someone: 5
Rick rolling the same person twice: 7
Rick rolling the same person three times 9

Happy rolling.

Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22nd, 2010's Challenge: Stall Escape

Due to the nature of doing Babylon midterm essays until 2:45 in the morning, the challenge has been late in arriving, and so in his clemency Lord Vader will allow all willing participants to complete this challenge both today and tomorrow.

Vader is a man who learns from his mistakes. Trying to jump over Obi-Wan during a lightsaber fight? Did he ever try that one again? Have you noticed just how grounded he remains in New Hope? When the second Death Star is getting created, did they leave open a vent that some rebel could shoot a proton torpedo into? No way. Vader is a man with plan B's.

Today's challenge is to climb over the stall wall in a public bathroom, and to get it on video. It's similar to a fire drill. It's to show Vader that, if under pressure, you have the gumption and the bravery necessary to overcome any challenge. So, pretend that the door is locked (but don't slide under the stall on the bathroom floor, because that plan is gross) and climb over that stall.

The scoring system:

Video of you climbing over a stall in public: 5 points
Video of you climbing over a stall in public, with an excess of weird grunts and noises: 6 points
Doing both of those without a shirt on: 8 points

Happy climbing.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 21st, 2010's Challenge: High Fives

The siege has always been an effective military tactic, because people need food to survive. Being the master tactician that he is, Lord Vader always strives to foster a spirit of brotherhood among grocery store employees due to the their access to vast supplies of food. By having friends at grocery store chains, Vader is thus protected from someone trying to besiege him and also has the possibility of laying siege to his enemies, should it come to that.

Lord Vader also knows that he's getting old, and that soon he will have to pass on his throne to a worthy successor. Being the Christian that he is, Vader knows the parable that says that "he who is faithful over few things shall be made ruler over many things," and in keeping with this principle, one of the determining factors for who his successor will be is their love displayed towards grocery store cashiers. This is why for tomorrow, Vader wants to see everyone give a grocery store clerk a high five, and not only that, but also capture the moment on film, without them being aware that they're on camera. There is no room in the empire for scripted love. Vader wants to see the genuine article, and wants the videos posted on this, his illustrious site. It might help to bring a friend, who can record secretly while you give high fives openly.

The scoring:

Video of a clerk being high fived: 5 points
Video of a clerk getting double high fived: 6 points.
Video of you hugging a clerk: 10 points

Happy hunting.

October 20th, 2010's challenge: Mind Tricks

Vader might have lost his way, but at one point in time he was a Jedi, and to this day he's a master of Jedi mind tricks. For tomorrow, Lord Vader says that every one must convince someone else of an outrageous lie. What the lie will be is up to you, but it can't be something stupid like "Obama is a Muslim." It has to be pretty outlandish, since the more outlandish it is, the more likely it is that you're in tune with the Force. Points are based on the weirdness of the lie.

Slightly weird lie: 1 point
Pretty weird lie: 2 points
Slanderously weird lie: 3 points

Each additional person you an convince of the same lie is worth an extra point. If you convince two people of a slightly weird lie, that's two points; two people convinced of a slanderously weird lie is worth 4 points.

Heaven help us all.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

October's 19th, 2010's Daily Challenge: Alphabet

Vader is a well spoken man. Even when he was force choking someone, he had the propriety to accept his tacit apology. Vader's reward for tomorrow will go out to his most verbose followers. The challenge is to start each of your sentences with a different letter of the alphabet, starting with A and working your way down in order. As usual, there are points awarded based on performance. Behold the scoring rules:

Conversing alphabetically up to the letter H: 1 point
Discussing all the way up to the letter P: 2 points
Ending the alphabet by getting all the way to Z: 3 points.

Forget not that this has to be done during the course of one conversation with the same person. Going somewhere else and then coming back to continue talking is not acceptable.

Have fun.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 18th's 2010 Daily Challenge: Push-ups

 The Imperial Army didn't conquer the galaxy with a bunch of wussy soldiers. Stormtroopers were men of strength. One of the purposes of Vader' challenges is to help the world to stretch and realize their full potential, so tomorrow's task is to do 10 push-ups.

It's not enough to do these in the privacy of your own home though. Vader wants his army to glorify him with it's splendor, and so he desires that everyone does these 10 push-ups in public, preferably during a passing period, if you're a BYU student. If not, find a crowded sidewalk or a busy parking lot and drop and give Vader 10. Since Vader wants his control over the galaxy to remain tight, recruits are also desired. Each additional passerby who you can get to join you in your push ups is worth 5 points.

The Rules:

Doing 10 push-ups in public: 2 points
Doing 10 push-ups in public, and attempting but failing at getting someone to join: 3 points
Doing 10 push-ups in public with a stranger: 7 points
Each additional stranger is worth points

Good luck.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

October 17th 2010's Daily Challenge: Facade

We all like sounding like pretentious twits. There are no exceptions to that rule. So tomorrow's challenge is going to be universally adored, because Lord Vader demands that everyone uses the word "facade" at least twice during Sunday School. If you can work it into the same comment, so much the better. In fact, that's worth extra.

Here are the scoring rules:

Saying facade twice, but not in the same comment: 1 point.
Saying facade twice in the same comment: 2 points
Saying facade three times in the same comment: 3 points

The number of points is in fact proportional to the number of times you say facade during a single comment. If you can work it in 50 times, not only do you deserve some sort of literary award for being able to actually do that, but you'll also get 50 points.

Good luck.